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Number 1. War between the Boers (Dutch) and the British for control of South Africa.

Correct Answer: Boer War

Number 2. Begun in 1884, this meeting set up the rules European countries had to follow in their scramble for African land.

Correct Answer: Berlin Conference

Number 3. The policy in which strong nations take control of weaker nations politically, economically, and culturally as happened with European countries over countries in Africa, India and Asia.  

Correct Answer: Imperialism

Number 4. Descendants of Dutch settlers who came from the Netherlands to South Africa—also known as Boers.

Correct Answer: Afrikaner

Number 5. The theory of evolution and survival of the fittest used as a rationale (acceptable reason) and justification for imperialism.

Correct Answer: Social Darwinism

Number 6. Belief in the superiority of one ethnic group over another.

Correct Answer: Racism

Number 7. Ethiopia and Liberia were not taken over any European nations

Correct Answer: Independent African Nations

Number 8. Monarch of England during the Age of Imperialism who oversaw the British takeover of India, the majority of the African continent, and trade in China.

Correct Answer: Victoria

Number 9. Area of Africa controlled by Belgium’s King Leopold II—very much mismanaged.

Correct Answer: Congo

Number 10. Diamond mine owner and founder of DeBeer’s Diamond Company and was instrumental in gaining British control in South Africa.

Correct Answer: Cecil Rhodes

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