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The Age of Metternich Review

Answer the following multiple choice questions on some of the facts you just learned — you may see them on your unit test.

  1. The dominant personality at the Congress of Vienna __________________.
    1. Metternich
    2. Bismarck
    3. Alexander I
    4. Talleyrand

    Answer: a. Metternich

  2. The Carlsbad Decrees _______________.
    1. encouraged liberal thought in Prussia
    2. established a balance of power in Europe
    3. instituted repres¬sive measures in the German Confederation
    4. were the work of Castlereagh and Talleyrand

    Answer: c. nstituted repres¬sive measures in the German Confederation

  3. Of the following countries, which was able to succeed in its revolt against the government between 1820 and 1831?
    1. Russia
    2. Greece
    3. Italy
    4. Poland

    Answer: b. Greece

  4. The Decembrist Revolution of 1825 occurred in ____________.
    1. Prussia
    2. France
    3. Spain
    4. Russia

    Answer: d. Russia

  5. The July Revolution in France resulted in the ____________________.
    1. development of democracy in France
    2. installation of Louis Philippe as king
    3. presidency of Louis Napoleon
    4. establishment of a republican form of government

    Answer: b. installation of Louis Philippe as king

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