
Look at this picture. What do you see? Who do think these people are? How might they relate to your study of the French Revolution?

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You are looking at a portrait of French Queen Marie Antoinette and her children. Remember, from Unit 3 you learned that Marie Antoinette was the daughter of the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa. As you probably know from previous study, both Marie Antoinette and her husband, King Louis XVI were killed during the French Revolution. Additionally, only one of the children, the little girl Marie Therese, survived the Revolution and lived to adulthood. As you begin to study this period, think about how the people of France could have become so angry and violent to the point that the king and his family were killed.


Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Describe the impact of the French Revolution on Europe, including political evolution, social evolution, and diffusion of nationalism and liberalism.

The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: World History: 1500 to the Present Objective(s): 7.

This lesson incorporates the following Literacy Standard(s):

