
Complete 2.05 Africa. Submit your completed work to the 2.05 Africa Dropbox.


As you learned in the video segment, Nelson Mandela spent his life working to end Apartheid in South Africa, and bring equality to its citizens and those around the world. In his speech at the memorial service, President Obama said Mr. Mandela endured hardship and gave the world the example of resilience and strength throughout his life. When you face injustice or see inequality around you, what can you do to "right the wrong"? As you think about your answer, also consider how Mandela would advise you to respond.

Post your response in the 2.05 Mandela Discussion and respond to at least one of your classmate's post.


It is time for your quiz on the map of Asia. Go to Quizzes and take the Unit 2 Asia Map Quiz.
