

Map of Africa

Size of Africa

In classes you have had across the span of your education so far, you have heard about the continent of Africa-the exotic animals, vast Sahara Desert, diamond mines, and jungles. How big would you say Africa is?

Africa can fit a number of large countries such as China, America, India, Japan
See the large version of the true size of Africa map.

Africa the Second Largest Continent

Made up of 52 countries, Africa is the second largest continent in the world that can fit a number of large countries-some of the largest on the globe-within its borders. In the legend legend highlighted at the left of the map, you can see how large each of the listed countries are in square kilometers. China, China highlightedthe United States, United States highlighted and India India highlighted are three of the largest.

Yet, they and a number of the larger European countries could be fit into the continent. Most students don't realize how large Africa really is (take a moment to read the article), but now you know a little more than you did!

Africa can fit a number of large countries such as China, America, India, Japan

Before the Europeans Came

Let's learn a bit more about what Africa looked like before the Europeans came to conquer.

As you can see, there were scattered areas where large kingdoms dominated. Animals roamed free throughout the continent. But, things changed once Europeans arrived in the 1400s and the slave trade to the Americans began. Within 400 years, Europe had taken over the continent.

pre colonial Africa
Image courtesy of Jeff Israel

1914 Map of Africa

This 1914 map of Africa shows how the European powers in their push toward Imperialism conquering lands in order to make economic profit by exploiting raw materials of the conquered country. carved up the continent for their own financial gain. Tribal lines were divided and families separated as Europeans drew border lines of their ownership.

1914 map of Africa

According to this map, which European country had the most colonies, and therefore, the most power over the African peoples?

Which European country was second in the race in the "Scramble for Africa?"



On December 5, 2013, the world lost an individual who earned the distinction of being recognized as one of the most important individuals in modern world history. Over his life of 95 years, he fought for racial equality in his home country of South Africa. spent 27 years in prison on Robben Island, and emerged as the first black president of that country. As you watch South Africa, listen carefully to how he was described, and particularly what the world leaders (including President Obama) said about this great man.

Open South Africa, listen carefully to how he was described, and particularly what the in a new window

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