
In this unit, you will be studying the continent of Asia looking back to the rise of civilizations in the areas now known as China, Japan, and India. In order to understand where on the globe Asia and the countries that are part of that continent are located, it is important to study the map of Asia carefully. If you didn't know, Asia is the largest and most populated continent on the earth. China and India lead in the number of people within their borders. Take a look at the map. You will be responsible for passing a test on the map of Asia at the end of this unit. Throughout the following lessons, you will be given the opportunity to take practice quizzes and play map knowledge games on the map of Asia to prepare you for the test.

Note: While you will also study about the continent of Africa in this unit, you will not be tested on the map of Africa until later on in the course.

Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Explain the relationship between physical geography and cultural development in India, Africa, Japan, and China in the early Global Age, including trade and travel, natural resources, and movement and isolation of peoples and ideas.
  • Depicting the general location of, size of, and distance between regions in the early Global Age Example: drawing sketch maps

The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: World History: 1500 to the Present Objective(s): 4, 4A.

This lesson incorporates the following Literacy Standard(s):1, 4

