Unit 3 Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word Definition
Aphrodite Greek god of love
Archimedes Greek inventor and engineer
Ares Greek god of war
Aristotle Greek philosopher, developed syllogism
Athens one of the most famous and influential Greek polis - famous for democracy
democracy a type of government where citizens get to vote to make decisions
drama theatre
Epicureanism belief that pleasure or happiness is the main goal of life
Euclid Greek mathematician
Euripides Greek playwright
Hades Greek god of the underworld
Hellenism Greek culture
Hippocrates Greek scientist
Homer a Greek author of The Illiad and The Odyssey
monarchy a government ruled by a king or a queen
Mount Olympus a mountain in Greece that was considered home of the Greek gods
mythology mythical tradition
Oedipus Rex a Greek play
oligarchy a government ruled by a small group of powerful people
Parthenon a building in Athens built to honor Greek gods
pediment the triangle part of a building above the entrance
Plato Greek philosopher, author of The Republic
polis Greek city-state
Poseidon Greek god of the sea
Pythagoras a Greek mathematician, famous for the Pythagorean Theorem
Socrates Greek thinker famous for his questioning method, called the Socratic Method
Silk Road network of roads that merchants traveled connecting China to the Middle East
Sophocles Greek playwright
Sparta a Greek polis focused on war
Stoicism belief that circumstances should not control you
suffrage the right of citizens to vote
symmetry balance
Zeus Greek god of the sky


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