
Task #1

  1. Go to O*NET Online.
  2. Use the search box at the top, right of the screen to search for your chosen career.
  3. screen shot of o-net online website to search for occupation
  4. Click on the Occupation description link that best fits your chosen career.
  5. screen shot of o-net online website occupation description link for art teacher
  6. Click on the Details tab.
  7. screen shot of o-net online website details tab
  8. Then click the Technology Skills link.
  9. screen shot of o-net online website Technology Skills linke

Look here to see what technologies are used to do your chosen career.

  • Discuss what you have discovered about the technology skills/tools that are used in your chosen career.
  • State your career and list/explain the technology skills and tools you will use on the job.
  • Be sure to choose at least one of the skills/tools you list and explain why you think this skill is important for your career.
  • Post your response to the 3.01 How Technology Is Used in My Career Discussion.

After your initial post, you should also post a response to at least two classmates regarding their post.

  • In your responses, you might discuss some of the technology skills that are the same for your career and theirs, or the differences.
  • If the tools are different, you can comment on why your job might need one type of technology skill and theirs another.
  • You might also comment on how the technology skills listed might limit social interactions with other employees on the job.

Use complete sentences, and correct spelling and grammar, in your discussion post and responses.

Scoring Guide

When participating in an online discussion, you should use formal, standard English and obey all conventions of punctuation and spelling. Avoid abbreviations or symbols used in texting, messaging, or informal conversation.