
Follow the directions below to create your first web page using a WYSIWYG editor. Remember to apply the principles of good web design that you learned in previous lessons within this unit (colors and fonts). Submit the web page to the 2.04 KompoZer Dropbox.

KompoZer Instructions

  1. Open KompoZer and begin by using a blank document.

  2. Add a background color to your page by selecting Page Colors and Backgrounds.

  3. Using a Heading 1 font, type and center My First Web Page.

  4. Press the Enter key and compose a short paragraph (3 to 5 sentences) about yourself.

  5. Press the Enter key. Select bullets and numbering and list your favorite food, your favorite sport or activity, and your favorite school.

  6. Save the file as my_page in the samples folder. You do not need to add a file extension. KompoZer automatically adds the .htm extension to each web page you create.

SeaMonkey Instructions

  1. Open SeaMonkey and begin by using a blank document. (File >> New >> Composer Page)

  2. Add a background color to your page by selecting Format >> Page Colors and Background >> Use Custom Colors. Select OK once you are done.

  3. Using a Heading 1 font, type and center My First Web Page.

  4. Press the Enter key and compose a short paragraph (3 to 5 sentences) about yourself.

  5. Press the Enter key. Select bullets and numbering and list your favorite food, your favorite sport or activity, and your favorite school.

  6. Save the file as my_page in the samples folder. You do not need to add a file extension. SeaMonkey automatically adds the .htm extension to each web page you create.