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Number 1. Location of the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters

Correct Answer: Watergate

Number 2. Group organized to plug government leaks

Correct Answer: Plumbers

Number 3. Managed Nixon’s re-election campaign

Correct Answer: CREEP

Number 4. Year of Watergate break-in

Correct Answer: 1972

Number 5. Year of Nixon’s resignation

Correct Answer: 1974

Number 6. (blank) Papers were classified documents that conveyed the secret history of the Vietnam War

Correct Answer: Pentagon

Number 7. Nixon ordered the firing of the special prosecutor; several officials resigned in protest

Correct Answer: Saturday Night Massacre

Number 8. Assumed the presidency following Nixon

Correct Answer: Ford

Number 9. U.S. v. Nixon ordered the release of these; thereby dismissing Nixon’s interpretation of executive privilege

Correct Answer: Tapes

Number 10. Former CIA agent involved in the Watergate break-in

Correct Answer: McCord

Number 11. Nixon’s Attorney General and later campaign manager

Correct Answer: Mitchell

Number 12. The House Judiciary Committee recommended (blank)

Correct Answer: Impeachment