
Assessment #1 

Complete 9.03 Combating Communism Discussion.

President Truman's decisions surrounding the Cold War generated controversy. While many Americans endorsed his decision to help countries battling communist aggression, other Americans (and other nations) opposed this policy. Disagreements abounded in his decisions involving the Korean War as well.

For this assignment, create a video that highlights one issue or viewpoint related to Truman's handling of the Korean War. You may choose to create a Public Service AnnouncementA public service announcement generally promotes an idea, opinion, or agenda that benefits the public at large. Examples of modern-day announcements might be dangers of drunk driving, pet adoption, and protecting the Earth. about your belief or conduct an interview with a fellow student set in the 1940s/1950s that discusses the issue in an interview format.

Possible topics for the video are listed below. Videos must be at least two minutes in length and communicate accurate information along with an opinion. Be creative with the use of costumes and basic props, such as a picture or microphone.

Post your completed video to 9.03 Combating Communism Discussion. Be sure to read the submission directions for the correct video submission process.

    Video Topic Ideas:
  • Support or Opposition for containment and Truman Doctrine
  • Support or Opposition for the Korean War
  • Support for a limited war/Opposition to a broad war
  • Support for a broader war/Opposition to a limited war
  • Support or Opposition for firing MacArthur



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