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Number 1. Insured deposits for $2,500 in 1934, but that was quickly changed to $5,000

Correct Answer: Federal Depository Insurance Corporation

Number 2. Series of radio talks begun by FDR to inform the people about government policies

Correct Answer: Fireside Chats

Number 3. Period of legislative activity in Congress and the White House at the beginning of FDR's first term

Correct Answer: First Hundred Days

Number 4. FDR's program for rebuilding the American economy in 1933; a second New Deal would be instituted in 1935

Correct Answer: New Deal

Number 5. On March 6, 1933, President Roosevelt closed all the banks for three days until auditors could determine which ones were financially solvent

Correct Answer: Banking Holiday

Number 6. Group of young college professors with innovative ideas; FDR used his "Brain Trust" during the campaign of 1932 as well as afterwards to shape his New Deal Programs

Correct Answer: Brain Trust

Number 7. Congressional act that legalized labor union's right to organize and use collective bargaining tactics

Correct Answer: Wagner Act

Number 8. Agency created in 1935 to hire over 10 million American men to construct public works projects such as roads, bridges, and public buildings; created jobs for writers and artists

Correct Answer: Works Progress Administration

Number 9. A government agency created to build dams along the Tennessee River and generate electricity to the millions without power

Correct Answer: Tennessee Valley Authority

Number 10. Act that established pensions for the elderly, handicapped, and unemployed

Correct Answer: Social Security Act

Number 11. A government agency set up to create new jobs, improve the nation's infrastructure, and provide unemployment relief; massive public works construction projects

Correct Answer: Public Works Administration

Number 12. Law that required federal examiners to survey the nation's banks and determine which ones were financially sound

Correct Answer: Emergency Banking Relief Act

Number 13. Agency that put millions of young men to work on conservation and environmental projects

Correct Answer: Civilian Conservation Corps

Number 14. An administration created to help poor farmers; also reset prices for agricultural commodities at their high, pre-World War I prices and paid farmers subsidies to cut their supply

Correct Answer: Agricultural Adjustment Administration

Number 15. Guaranteed workers the right to join labor unions and call strikes; enforced the Wagner Act

Correct Answer: National Labor Relations Board

Number 16. An agency that distributed grants to state government and individuals to provide relief from the Depression

Correct Answer: Federal Emergency Relief Administration