
Assessment #1

Use the information within this lesson to create a timeline that captures the major events before the Spanish-American War, during the war, and in the post-war period through the present day. You can build your timeline in a document or use the Free Timeline Timeline creator. Your timeline must include the following five features:

1) A title

2) 12 key events: each event must include a date and a brief phrase to describe the event.

3) Current status: at least 4 of your 12 events must indicate the current status of Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines. For example, one event might read, 1950- Guam becomes an unincorporated organized territory of the U.S.

4) Images: at least 4 of your 12 events must include an image.

5) Creativity: timelines should demonstrate order but do not have to be straight lines. Use your imagination!

If you choose to use Free Timeline , take a screenshot of your timeline and save it to your computer.

Submit your completed timeline to 3.02 Timeline Dropbox.

Assessment #2

1) Choose one of the following questions and compose a 4-sentence response. Be sure to include examples and facts to support your answer.

      Option #1: Propaganda is a form of communication that promotes a particular       cause. It can be misleading in nature. What forms of propaganda were utilized       during the Spanish-American War? What effect did it have on the nation?

      Option #2: The Spanish-American War can be classified as a war of irony. Explain.

      Option #3: Who were the "winners" and "losers" in the Spanish-American War.       (Hint: include more nations than just Spain and the United States in your       answer.)

2) Post your thoughts to 3.02 Spanish-American War Discussion.




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