
Assessment #1

During the Progressive Era, several acts of legislation were passed by Congress that influenced the American economy and provided much needed regulation on business and industry.

To help distinguish each of these legislative acts, your task for this assignment is to define a series of legislative acts that were passed under President Taft and Wilson's administrations. Complete 2.05 Progressive Legislation. Once finished, submit your completed work to the 2.05 Progressive Legislation Dropbox.

Assessment #2

Add the final four slides to your Unit 2 Progressive Era PowerPoint presentation. After you add these four slides, your PowerPoint should have a total of 16 slides. Refer back to previous lessons if you are missing any slides. Information for the slides may be found within the lesson and from outside research. You are required to include at leat two outside resources. When you include information from outside sources be sure to include the correct citation information. A Works Cited slide will be your last slide. All information on the slides should be written in your own words and phrases.

For detailed information on ACCESS course citations, go to: MLA Citations

The presentation also needs to include at least 7 photos or pictures. These photos may be placed as you deem appropriate. All photos should be correctly cited with the web address where the photo was located.

Create the following slides to correspond to Lesson 2.05:

Slide 13- Taft Administration- cover the Taft administration including his time in office and any major domestic policies passed during his presidency
Slide 14- Wilson Administration- cover the Wilson administration including his time in office and any major domestic policies passed during his presidency
Slide 15- Progressive Era Assessment- review the Progressive Era and provide your own assessment/reflection of the period. Reflect on the successes and shortcomings.
Slide 16- Works Cited- create a complete list of all outside sources you used throughout the presentation. You should have at least two sources in addition to all of the sites you pulled pictures from. This list needs to be in alphabetical order and follow all MLA guidelines. For detailed infromaation on ACCESS course citations, go to: MLA Citations.

Once your presentation is complete, submit it to Unit 2 PowerPoint Dropbox.

Assessment #3 

Complete the Unit 2 Test in the Quizzes area.




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