
Assessment #1

Review the material from this lesson by answering 1.06 Rise of Labor Questions. Submit your completed work to 1.06 Rise of Labor Unions Dropbox.

Assessment #2

This lesson highlights the often contentiouslikely to cause an argument relationship between unions and industry during the New Industrial Age. For this assessment:

1) Reflect on the different perspectives of the labor unions and the large industries. Consider the arguments that they each made.

2) Choose one of the two perspectives and write a fictional newspaper editorialarticle that gives an opinion on an issue in which you argue your position during one of the strikes. You may choose to be a labor union member or an industry employer. Remember, each side was quite passionate and felt they had much to lose if their opinions/ideas were not adopted. Your editorial should reflect that passion!

Additional strike information is provided below. Use 1.06 Editorial Outline to help organize your work. Make sure you write the editorial in your own words and support your passionate argument with facts from the period.

Additional Strike Information:

Haymarket Strike

Homestead Link

Pullman Strike

3) Submit your completed editorial typed in a Word document to the 1.06 Editorial Dropbox

Assessment #3 

Complete the Unit 1 Test in the Quizzes area.



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