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Constitution Review

Answer the following questions.

  1. Introduction to the Constitution; the goals of the Constitution are laid out here
    1. Preamble
    2. Bill of Rights
    3. Answer Choice
    4. Answer Choice

    Answer: a. Preamble

  2. The Constitution is based on this principle which means rule by the people
    1. Popular Vote
    2. Majority Rule
    3. Popular Sovereignty
    4. Bicameral Legislature

    Answer: c. Popular Sovereignty

  3. The framers chose this type of democracy where elected officials represent the constituents of their state or district
    1. Autocracy
    2. Representative Democracy
    3. Direct Democracy
    4. Mass Confusion

    Answer: b. Representative Democracy

  4. The United States is does not have this type of democracy where every law would have to be voted on by the people
    1. Legislature
    2. Electoral College
    3. Representative Democracy
    4. Direct Democracy

    Answer: d. Direct Democracy

  5. The Constitution created a _______blank, whereby powers are divided between national and state governments
    1. State System
    2. Federal System
    3. Competing System
    4. Non-working System

    Answer: b. Federal System

  6. Branch of government that makes the laws
    1. Legislative
    2. Judicial
    3. Executive

    Answer: a. Legislative

  7. Branch of government that carries out the laws
    1. Legislative
    2. Judicial
    3. Executive

    Answer: c. Executive

  8. Branch of government that interprets the laws
    1. Legislative
    2. Judicial
    3. Executive

    Answer: b. Judicial

  9. The legislative branch includes Congress whose powers are found in this part of the Constitution
    1. Article I
    2. Article II
    3. Article III
    4. Article IV

    Answer: a. Article I

  10. The executive branch includes the President whose powers are found in this part of the Constitution
    1. Article I
    2. Article II
    3. Article III
    4. Article IV

    Answer: b. Article II

  11. The judicial branch includes the Supreme Court whose powers are found in this part of the Constitution
    1. Article I
    2. Article II
    3. Article III
    4. Article IV

    Answer: c. Article III

  12. Gives Congress the authority to pass any laws "necessary and proper" to carry out its duties. This clause allows Congress to "stretch" its power.
    1. Proper Clause
    2. Necessary Clause
    3. Elastic Clause
    4. Stretch Clause

    Answer: c. Elastic Clause

  13. The President is the _______blank and has the overall command of the armed forces.
    1. Head Honcho
    2. Top General
    3. Big Brass
    4. Commander-in-Chief

    Answer: d. Commander-in-Chief

  14. Constitutional amendment that limits the President to two terms
    1. 17th Amendment
    2. 19th Amendment
    3. 21st Amendment
    4. 22nd Amendment

    Answer: d. 22nd Amendment

  15. System that allows each branch of government the ability to limit the power of the other two branches
    1. Voter Apathy
    2. Checks and Balances
    3. Judicial Review
    4. Executive Review

    Answer: b. Checks and Balances

  16. Article V explains this process that allows changes or corrections to our Constitution
    1. Articles
    2. Changes
    3. Amendment
    4. Bill of Rights

    Answer: c. Amendment

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