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Impact Review

Answer the following questions.

  1. The spread of the idea of _______blank, rights of citizens, and democracy was the most outstanding effect of the revolution.

    Answer: liberty

  2. The final peace settlement for the American Revolution; signed on September 3, 1783.

    Answer: Treaty of Paris 1783

  3. This country recognized American independence and agreed to withdraw troops from U.S. territory in the Treaty of Paris 1783

    Answer: England

  4. This country regained the territory of Florida and its boundary with the U.S. was set at the Mississippi River in the Treaty of Paris 1783

    Answer: Spain

  5. Congress promised to recommend to the states that _______blank have their property and rights restored and no further punishment be taken against them in the Treaty of Paris 1783

    Answer: Loyalists

  6. _______blank along with John Jay and John Adams were the American delegates sent to negotiate a peace treaty with Britain

    Answer: Benjamin Franklin

  7. During the Revolutionary period, the only persons eligible to voter were _______blank who owned property

    Answer: white men

  8. Women's rights leader of the time that tried to convince her husband to "remember the ladies" when they formulated a new government after the war

    Answer: Abigail Adams

  9. During the Revolutionary period, the northern states took steps to eliminate _______blank, whereas the southern states took steps to make it more restrictive.

    Answer: Slavery

  10. Many Americans would use the fact that _______blank sided with the British during the war as an excuse to persecute them and push them off their land after the war.

    Answer: American Indians

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