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Revolutionary War Review

Determine the term that matches the description.

  1. German mercenary troops that were hired by the British to defeat the Americans; they are most famous for their surrender to General Washington at the Trenton garrison on Christmas night 1776

    Answer: Hessians

  2. George Washington crossed this river on Christmas night 1776 and surprised the Hessian troops at the Trenton garrison; nearly 1,000 Hessian troops surrendered

    Answer: Delaware

  3. American colonists who remained loyal to Great Britain before and during the American Revolution

    Answer: Loyalists

  4. Battle of ________ blank; nearly 1,000 German Hessian soldiers surrender to General George Washington after being attacked on Christmas night 1776

    Answer: Trenton

  5. Prussian volunteer who molded the Continental Army into a professional fighting force at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778

    Answer: Barron von Steuben

  6. American turning point in the war and helped to convince the French to join the American cause

    Answer: Battle of Saratoga

  7. British general who surrendered his forces of over 5,000 men to America forces at Saratoga; this was considered the turning point for the Americans

    Answer: General John Burgoyne

  8. American General at Saratoga to whom the British surrendered over 5,000 troops

    Answer: General Horatio Gates

  9. George Washington and the Continental Army spent the winter of 1777-1778 at (blank). Cold hunger and disease ravaged the army. Despite the suffering, the Continentals were drilled throughout winter and became a professional fighting force

    Answer: Valley Forge

  10. Battle of _______blank, New Jersey on June 28, 1778; First battle after Valley Forge where the newly skilled Continental army were tested; it ended in a draw, but the Americans felt as though they had won because they maintained the field

    Answer: Monmouth

  11. General who was in charge of southern forces; his continual guerrilla-style harassment of the British eventually caused them to withdraw from South Carolina

    Answer: Nathanael Greene

  12. American General and hero of the Battle of Saratoga who traded sides to the British once his plan was discovered to tell the location of the West Point garrison to the British

    Answer: Benedict Arnold

  13. Last major battle of the American Revolution in April 1781

    Answer: Yorktown

  14. The country that joined the war to help defeat the British after the American victory at Saratoga

    Answer: France

  15. French volunteer who became a general in the American Continental Army. He was not even 20 years old when he began his service. He became good friends with Washington at Valley Forge and was in battles at Brandywine, Monmouth, and Yorktown.

    Answer: Marquis de Lafayette

  16. British General in charge of the southern campaign for the British and who surrendered at Yorktown

    Answer: Cornwallis

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