
"The Times That Try Men's Souls"

What do you think Thomas Paine meant when he wrote the words "These are the times that try men's souls"?

Analyze the painting below.

  • What details about the men in the painting stand out to you?
  • Do you think the men are being "tried," if so, how?
  • What significant event from the American Revolution do you think the painting portrays?
George Washington and Lafayette at Valley Forge by John Ward Dunsmore, 1907

It does not look as if the men are engaged in battle; however, it seems they are being tried by the elements. It looks quite cold and miserable. They don't seem to have shelter and they don't seem to be well equipped for battle.

Valley Forge in Pennsylvania was the site of the military camp of the American Continental Army over the winter of 1777–1778 during the American Revolutionary War.

In order to inspire is men at Valley Forge, George Washington, the commander of the Continental Army, read the first entry of Thomas Paine's American Crisis, the document that contains the quote, "These are the times that try men's souls".

Don't forget to check out the Timeline of the Revolutionary War.