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Designer Review

Before you can become the designer, you must show that you understand the basic concepts. Match the term with its appropriate description.

  1. The person hired to create the best possible scenery for a production.
    1. Costume Designer
    2. Lighting Designer
    3. Sound Designer
    4. Scenic Designer

    Answer: Scenic Designer. This person will create a miniature model to show the director.

  2. This person creates the look for each character by designing clothes and accessories for a performance.
    1. Costume Designer
    2. Lighting Designer
    3. Sound Designer
    4. Scenic Designer

    Answer: Costume Designer. This person must create a list of what each actor wears and when.

  3. This person helps to create the mood or establish the time of day.
    1. Costume Designer
    2. Lighting Designer
    3. Sound Designer
    4. Scenic Designer

    Answer: Lighting Designer. This person must work closely with the scene designer because of the effect he can have on the stage.

  4. The person hired to take care of the auditory portion of the show.
    1. Costume Designer
    2. Lighting Designer
    3. Sound Designer
    4. Scenic Designer

    Answer: Sound Designer. The person hired for this role would take care of effects like car horns or thunder.

  5. A list that shows what each character wears in each scene
    1. Costume Design List
    2. Costume Drawings
    3. Costume Sketches
    4. Costume Plot

    Answer: Costume Plot. This list helps keep track of costume needs for a show.

Good job demonstrating you knowledge of design. You are now ready to become a designer!

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