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Stage Review

Answer the following questions about theatre stages.

  1. A stage that appears as a picture frame around the actors
    1. Thrust Stage
    2. Proscenium Stage
    3. Arena Stage
    4. Flexible Stage

    Answer: Proscenium Stage. This type of stage allows the audience to see action straight on.

  2. A stage with audience on three sides
    1. Thrust Stage
    2. Proscenium Stage
    3. Arena Stage
    4. Flexible Stage

    Answer: Thrust Stage. This type of stage allows for a smaller and more intimate production.

  3. A stage completely surrounded by the audience
    1. Thrust Stage
    2. Proscenium Stage
    3. Arena Stage
    4. Flexible Stage

    Answer: Arena Stage. You see these types of stages in sporting events or concerts.

  4. A stage that can be set up in any way that a director needs.
    1. Thrust Stage
    2. Proscenium Stage
    3. Arena Stage
    4. Flexible Stage

    Answer: Flexible Stage. These stages are also called a Black Box.

  5. The planned movement on a stage
    1. Crossing
    2. Acting
    3. Blocking
    4. Staging

    Answer: Blocking. A director must make decisions about blocking for his or her actors.

  6. Movement from one area of the stage to another.
    1. blocking
    2. stage balance
    3. making an "x"
    4. cross

    Answer: Cross. This is marked by an "x" in a script

  7. A director must concern himself or herself with the picture on the stage
    1. Stage Blocking
    2. Stage Balance
    3. Stage Arrangement
    4. Stage Directions

    Answer: Stage Balance. A director must make sure the action is spread around on the stage.

You've completed this review of the basics of stage movement. You are now ready to put it to work on a script!

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