
Stage Directions

Now that a director has a script, creative team, and actors, what's next? They must make a plan for the movement of the actors on stage. Before you are ready to take this next step, some basics of stage direction should be discussed. Check out the diagram below which shows you the main stage positions.

Diagram of stage directions. See larger version of stage directions diagram here.

Right and left is dependent upon the actors standing on a stage. Stage right (R) is the actor's right. Stage left (L) is the actor's left.

Downstage (DS) is movement closer to the audience. Upstage (US) is movement away from an audience. You will use these in a task with this lesson.

When an actor moves from one of these locations to the other, he makes a cross, or a movement from one place on a stage to another. Remember that a cross is always marked in a script with an "x".

These are the basics of stage position. All directors must have a good grasp of all of the details in order to be sure they make the most of their performance space.


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