Note-Taking Skills

In order to learn, two things must happen. First, you must take in new information. Then, you must connect it with what you already know.

If you just look at lessons or sit through videos, you will not take in much information. You must actively pay attention to what you are doing. By taking notes, you are actively paying attention and trying to make connections with what you already know.

Want proof? Studies show that students who take notes do better on tests than students who do not, even if they never look over their notes again. Students who take and review their notes perform the best.

To learn more, read Five Note-Taking Methods.

Additional Study Skills

What habits will help you succeed in your online course?

First, work daily in your classes. If you skip days, you will not have enough time to get all of your work done. Students who do not log in to their classes for 14 days will be put on an inactivity list. Your counselor and facilitator will be notified that you have not been working.

Second, make sure you read feedback from your teacher. Check your graded assignments for comments before you move on to new lessons and work.

Third, don’t multitask. Many studies indicate that multitasking makes it harder to learn. Limit distractions and interruptions. If you need a break, get up and move. Then return after a few minutes when you feel more focused.

Finally, know and follow your school’s policies. Many ACCESS students take their courses in a school computer lab, under the watch of a facilitator. If you do, follow your facilitator’s rules.

Learning Style

If you want to learn more about study skills, you can use the resources below.


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