Taking the Student Orientation Test

  1. Select the ACCESS Student Orientation Test.
  2. Read the instructions and select Start New Attempt to begin.
  3. After you take the test, you can review your results.
    • You will receive 1/1 point if you get a question right.
    • You will see 0/1 point if you answer incorrectly.
  4. To see feedback for a question, click the View Feedback link.
  5. Read the feedback for all questions you miss. It may provide you with hints on the correct answer.
  6. At the bottom of the page, you will see your attempt score. This tells you if you passed the Student Orientation Test. If you do not pass the test, you should review the test feedback or come back to this lesson before taking the test again. You can take the Student Orientation Test as many times as you need.

Reviewing Your Test

You can review your test attempt any time you want. Just select the Student Orientation Test and click View Assessment.

Retaking your Test

If you need to take the test again, just click the Student Orientation Test, choose the Text/Quiz tab, and select Start New Attempt.

What Happens Next?

Once you have passed the test, you are done with orientation. You may now begin working in your courses.

What are you waiting for? Go take your test! Good luck!

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