ACCESS is Alabama’s free public virtual learning program. We provide online and videoconferencing courses. Watch the video below to learn more.

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Academic Help

If you need help, contact your ACCESS teacher. Your ACCESS teachers will post their contact information in the Materials section under Teacher Introduction. Use the Schoology Messages to let them know you need help. If your teachers have office hours, use them to ask your questions. Text or call on the phone if they allow it. Your ACCESS teachers’ job is to help you succeed.

When you reach out to your teachers, tell them what you need help with. Be as specific as possible. Include which lessons and what concepts, problems, or examples are challenging you.

You can also ask your facilitators or counselors for help. They may be able to refer you to school services, such as tutoring or peer mentors.


ACCESS is committed to meeting all accessibility requirements set by the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you encounter any problems with course accessibility, please contact Steve Blair at the Alabama State Department of Education (sblair@alsde.edu; 334-694-4642).

Course Accessibility

Students with disabilities may have some questions about accessing the materials in their courses. Go to Materials>>Course Information>>Additional (Course) Information and click on Course Assessibility. You can find information on the software and applications used in the course under Course Accessibility.

Schoology Settings

Students using screen readers can adjust their Schoology Account Settings to improve their experience. Watch the video for more information.

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Who should you contact if you need academic help with your ACCESS class?

  1. your teacher
  2. your support center
  3. your friend who took the class last year
  4. none of these

Answer: a. your teacher. Contact your teacher if you have questions about the content of your ACCESS course.

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