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  1. Which of the following is a possible consequence for not following the ACCESS academic integrity policy?
    1. removal from the ACCESS class
    2. a failing grade
    3. consequences from your school
    4. all of these

    Answer: d. all of these. From the ACCESS Student Policy Manual: e. If a student fails to abide by these policies, the student may be removed from the course, assigned a failing grade, and subject to other consequences as determined by the local school system administrators.

  2. Lisa is having trouble completing her ACCESS economics assignment. While searching online for some resources, she finds a copy of the assignment posted to a website. Which of the following actions does NOT demonstrate academic integrity?
    1. Lisa ignores the copy of the assignment and tries to find another resource to help.
    2. Lisa tells her teacher about the assignment copy but does not use it to help on her assignment.
    3. Lisa downloads the assignment, but changes a few words to make it hers.
    4. Lisa stops searching and asks her teacher for help.

    Answer: c. Lisa downloads the assignment, but changes a few words to make it hers. ACCESS policy says that students need to complete all assigned work and have zero tolerance for academic dishonesty. Once Lisa sees that assignment and realizes what it is, she should not open, download, or look at it. Changing a few words does not make it her work.

  3. Damon and several of his friends are enrolled in the same ACCESS Spanish class. They are all having trouble with a reading in the class that is in Spanish. They talk about the reading together before splitting off to complete their assignment individually. Is this a violation of academic integrity?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. It depends on the teacher’s policy on group work, but probably not
    4. Why didn’t they just use Google translate? Just kidding – this is not a good idea.

    Answer: c. It depends on the teacher’s policy on group work, but probably not. This will vary from course to course. Make sure to ask your teacher’s policy on working together. But, if they discussed the reading and helped each other better understand it without discussing the specific questions or answers on the assignments and they truly did the assignments themselves individually, they are probably OK.

  4. You should save the answer to each question on a quiz as you go.
    1. True
    2. False

    Answer: a. True. You should save each answer as you go. Otherwise, you could lose your work if the power goes out or if there is an unexpected problem.

  5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
    1. You can use a calculator on a math test if the instructions permit it.
    2. You can use blank paper to work out the problems on a Physics test.
    3. You can use outside websites on essay questions on tests.
    4. You can use headphones on a German test for audio questions.

    Answer: c. You can use outside websites on essay questions on tests.

  6. According to the Quizzes page below, which quiz or test can you take two times?
    Quizes listed include Unit 1 Willkommen Quiz 0/1, 2.03 Quiz 0/2, 2.07 Quiz 0/1, 2.08 Quiz 0/1
    1. Unit 1 Willkommen Quiz
    2. 2.03 Quiz
    3. 2.07 Quiz
    4. 2.08 Quiz

    Answer: b. 2.03 Quiz

  7. Which of the following statements is TRUE based on the screenshot below?
    Shows quiz page from 2.03 Quiz. Informatino is Time Limit 30:00, Time Left 29:22, UAStudent Attempt 1
    1. Students are allowed 3 attempts on the quiz.
    2. This student is completing the second attempt on the quiz.
    3. The time limit for this quiz is 60 minutes
    4. This student has over 29 minutes left to complete this quiz.

    Answer: d. This student has over 29 minutes left to complete this quiz.

  8. Where’s the best place to go to see feedback on your quizzes and tests?
    1. Assessment >> Quizzes >> Submissions
    2. Grades
    3. Assessment >> Dropbox
    4. Users

    Answer: a. Assessment >> Quizzes >> Submissions

  9. Which button should be clicked to complete this quiz?
    Generic image of last page of quiz
    1. Save
    2. Save All Responses
    3. Go to Submit Quiz
    4. Previous Page

    Answer: c. Go to Submit Quiz

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