Try It

  1. To go to the Discussions area, you must first select ________________ from the minibar.
    1. Content
    2. Assessment
    3. Users
    4. Grades

    Answer: b. Assessment

  2. To view feedback from your discussion, go to ________________.
    1. Content
    2. Assessment >> Discussion
    3. Users
    4. Grades

    Answer: d. Grades

  3. The rules of netiquette apply to discussions.
    1. True
    2. False

    Answer: a. True

  4. To be a good member of a collaborative group, you should
    1. talk to your teacher if there are problems
    2. talk with your group about how you will communicate
    3. stay on schedule with your tasks
    4. all of the above

    Answer: d. all of the above

  5. Your discussions postings cannot be seen by other students in the course.
    1. True
    2. False

    Answer: b. False. Your discussion postings are public. You should be careful to keep identifying information private.

  6. In the screenshot below, what do you click in order to create a new post to the Discussion?
    View of Discussion page showinprompt.
    1. Discussions List
    2. View Topic
    3. Start a New Thread
    4. more

    Answer: c. Start a New Thread

  7. Which of the following tools is the spell-check?
    Post screen showing HTML editor. 1 = media, 2 = spell check, 3 = accessibility check, 4 = dictionary.
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4

    Answer: b. 2

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