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Multiple Choice Text Page Template

  1. If you select the Content link highlighted in the image below, you will be taken to

    1. a list of your lessons as well as course information and resources
    2. updates and other information from your teacher
    3. your grades
    4. the My Home page

    Answer: a. a list of your lessons as well as course information and resources

  2. The information contained in the widget highlighted below includes
    Image of the Course Home page with the News widget featured.
    1. a list of your lessons as well as course information and resources
    2. updates and other information from your teacher
    3. your grades
    4. the My Home page

    Answer: b. updates and other information from your teacherr

  3. If you select the right arrow highlighted in the image below, you will
    Image of a lesson page, with the D2L Next lesson highlighted
    1. go to the Table of Contents
    2. see updates and information from your teacher
    3. go to the next lesson
    4. enter a portal to an alternate planet

    Answer: c. go to the next lesson

  4. Based on the screenshot below, which unit is selected in Content?
    Image of Content page with Unit 2 highlighted and expanded into lessons
    1. Student Orientation
    2. Course Information
    3. Unit 1
    4. Unit 2

    Answer: d. Unit 2

  5. The material for your lessons and assignments is found in
    1. Content
    2. News

    Answer: a. Content

  6. Updates and other information from your teacher is primarily found in
    1. Content
    2. News

    Answer: b. News

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