
4.02 Photo Essay

There is a photo journalism contest sponsored by a popular magazine for teens where the assignment is to develop a photo essay showing the changes that occur in the life of children in the community between the ages of eight and eighteen.

You will do that for this Task.

You will assemble photos that record scenes, people, places, and things that have changed physically, cognitively (thinking) or socially during those years.

You will then assemble these pictures into a photo essay to tell a story in pictures. The photo captions should serve only to weave the pictures together into a cohesive story.

The purpose of the photo essay is to communicate your perspective on the changes that occur from childhood through adolescence to others.


  1. Collect as many photos as you want that represent the key elements of the changes that have occurred from the ages of eight to sixteen or seventeen.
  2. Lay the photos out together so that you can look at them and decide which to use and how to organize your essay.
  3. Select 10-15 that best express the changes in you, or any child between the ages of eight and eighteen. Arrange them in clusters, organizing them in different ways until you are satisfied with the arrangement. For example, you may want to arrange them chronologically, by type of event (school, activities, work, home), or by people involved (classmates, friends, family).
  4. Insert the pictures into a Word document and arrange them as you decide.
  5. In two or three complete sentences write a brief introduction and explain how you have organized your pictures.
  6. In three to five sentences describe one physical, one cognitive, and one social change that have occurred in the life of someone from the ages of eight to eighteen.
  7. Write 2-3 short captions for the photos to help tell the story and to link the photos together.

Submit to the 4.02 Photo Essay Dropbox.

Be sure to consult the grading rubric.

Download and complete 4.02 Gender Role Development.

Submit your completed work to the 4.02 Gender Role Development Dropbox.



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