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Let's see your knowledge of childhood and adolescence development.

This growth continues but at a slow pace during childhood.
A. Mental

B. Cognitive

C. Physical

D. Emotional

Answer: Physical

Adolescence is defined as the period between _______ and adulthood.
A. teenagers

B. twentysomethings

C. death

D. childhood

Answer: childhood

The stable growth period of childhood changes in adolescence to a growth spurt lasting two to three years is an example of what?

A. Physical Development

B. Hormone imbalance

C. Social development

D. Adolescence

Answer: Physical Development

Peers take on a great impact; they influence dress, hairstyles, music tastes and speech.
This is an example of what?

A. Physical development

B. Social development

C. Gender development

D. Cognitive development

Answer: Social development

Conflicts about school, curfews, chores, money and appearance arise but most are resolved in a positive rather than negative way.
This is an example of what?

A. Physical development

B. Social development

C. Cognitive development

D. Gender development

Answer: Social development

Culture and society has an enormous impact on these roles in America.

A. Gender roles

B. Class roles

C. Social roles

D. Physical roles

Answer: Gender roles

Advertisements, movies, TV, music, magazines and family send Americans thousands of cultural messages each week concerning this.

A. Social development

B. Adulthood

C. Physical growth

D. Gender roles

Answer: Gender roles

Girls tend to produce words earlier and have a larger vocabulary than boys until adolescence where the gap decreases.
This is an example of what?

A. Physical growth

B. Social development

C. Cognitive development

D. Gender roles

Answer: Cognitive development

Males are expected to be independent, assertive, and competitive; females are expected to be more passive, sensitive, and supportive.
This is an example of what?

A. Social development

B. Cognitive development

C. Physical growth

D. Gender roles

Answer: Gender roles

The roles of women and men in society are changing slowly.
This is an example of what?

A. Cognitive development

B. Gender differences

C. Adulthood

D. Physical growth

Answer: Gender differences

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