

An angle is determined by rotating a ray about its endpoint.

The endpoint of the ray is called the vertex.

The starting position of the angle is called the initial side.

The position after rotation of the ray is called the terminal side.

Standard Position

An angle can be placed in standard position in the coordinate system if:

  • the vertex is at the origin
  • the initial side is on the positive x-axis

Positive Angles

Positive angles are generated by a counterclockwise rotation.

Negative Angles

Negative angles are generated by a clockwise rotation.

Coterminal Angles

When angles have the same initial and terminal side, they are called coterminal angles.

690˚, 330˚ and −30˚ are all coterminal angles.

You can find coterminal angles by adding or subtracting 360˚ from any angle.


Degree Measure

One way to measure angles is using degrees. Look at a circle in reference to degree measure. Rotation from the initial side all the way around to the initial side again is 360 degrees.

To put it another way, 1 degree is 1 over 360 rotation around the vertex.

Degree Measure and Rotation

Look over each formula and watch the video of rotation.

one half rotation equals the fraction with numerator 360 degrees and denominator 2 equals 180 degrees

one fourth rotation equals the fraction with numerator 360 degrees and denominator 4 equals 90 degrees

three fourths rotation equals 3 times open paren 360 degrees close paren over 4 equals 270 degrees

Degree Measure by Eighths

Now let's fill in the common angles. Divide the circle into 8 equal parts.

one eighth r o t a. t i o n equals the fraction with numerator 360 degrees and denominator 8 equals 45 degrees

Think about where the following degree measurements belong in the circle.


  • 45°
  • 90°
  • 135°
  • 180°
  • 225°
  • 270°
  • 315°
  • 360°

Degree Measure by Twelfths

Now let's fill in the common angles. Divide the circle into 12 equal parts.

Think about where the following degree measurements belong in the circle.


  • 30°
  • 60°
  • 90°
  • 120°
  • 150°
  • 180°
  • 210°
  • 240°
  • 270°
  • 300°
  • 330°
  • 360°

Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds

Degrees can be broken down into smaller units of measure called minutes and seconds.

Minutes and seconds are notated using single or double apostrophes respectively.

Example: 60 degrees, 10 minutes, and 12 seconds = 60°10'12''.

Converting DMS to Decimal Form

Sometimes it is necessary to convert an angle measure given in degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS) to decimal form.


Radian Measure

Another way of measuring angles is radian measure.

Since the circumference of a circle is 2r, then there are 2 radians around a circle.

Definition of a radian: One radian is the measure of an angle in standard position that intercepts an arc s equal in length to the radius r of the circle.

Radian Measure

The circumference of a circle is 2r so one complete revolution would be s = 2r or

where θ is measured in radians

The units of measure for s and r are the same, so this ratio has no unit. It is simply a real number.

Radian Measure and Rotation

Look over each formula and watch the video of rotation.

one half revolution equals 2 pi over 2 equals pi

one fourth revolution equals 2 pi over 4 equals pi over 2

three fourths revolution equals three fourths times 2 pi equals 3 pi over 2

Radian Measure by Eighths

Now let's fill in the common angles. Divide the circle into 8 equal parts.

1 over 8 rotation equals 2 pi over 8 equals pi over 4

Think about where the following measurements belong in the circle.


  • pi over 4

  • pi over 2

  • 3  pi over 4

  • pi

  • 5 pi over 4

  • 3 pi over 2

  • 7 pi over 4

  • 2 pi

Radian Measure by Twelfths

Now let's fill in the common angles. Divide the circle into 12 equal parts.

1 over 12 rotation equals 2 p i over 12 equals pi over 6

Think about where the following measurements belong in the circle.


  • pi over 6

  • 2 pi over 6 equals pi over 3

  • pi over 2

  • 4 pi over 6 equals 2 pi over 3

  • 5 pi over 6

  • pi

  • 7 pi over 6

  • 8 pi over 6 equals 4 p i over 3

  • 3 pi over 2

  • 10 pi over 6 equals 5 pi over 3

  • 11 pi over 6

  • 2 pi

Radian and Degree Measure

Let's add radian measures to the circle.

Think about where the following measurements belong in the circle.


  • pi over 6

  • 2 pi over 6 equals pi over 3

  • pi over 2

  • 4 pi over 6 equals 2 pi over 3

  • 5 pi over 6

  • pi

  • 7 pi over 6

  • 8 pi over 6 equals 4 pi over 3

  • 3 pi over 2

  • 10 pi over 6 equals 4 pi over 3

  • 11 pi over 6

  • 2 pi

  • 7 pi over 4

  • pi over 4

  • 5 pi over 4

  • 3 pi over 4

Changing from Degrees to Radians and Radians to Degrees

Open Changing from Degrees to Radians and Radians to Degrees in a new tab

Finding the Arc Length and Area of a Sector

Arc length = s = distance from A to B

Arc Length:

3 pi over 4

Area of a Sector:

3 pi over 4

Measurements for arc length and area of a sector must be in radian measure.

Calculate Arc Length of a Circle and the Area of a Sector of a Circle

Open Calculate Arc Length of a Circle and the Area of a Sector of a Circle in a new tab