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Electric Current and Batteries

Match the vocabulary word and the definition.

Word Bank:

  • Alternating
  • Ampere (A)
  • Direct
  • Electron
  • I
  • Proton
  • Voltage
  • Volts (V)


  • The SI unit for electric current.
  • The SI symbol for electric current.
  • The potential difference.
  • The SI unit for potential difference.
  • A negatively charged particle in an atom.
  • A positively charged particle in an atom.
  • A type of current that changes directions multiple times each second.
  • A type of current that never changes directions.


  1. Ampere (A) - The SI unit for electric current.
  2. I - The SI symbol for electric current.
  3. Voltage - The potential difference.
  4. Volts (V) - The SI unit for potential difference.
  5. Electron - A negatively charged particle in an atom.
  6. Proton - A positively charged particle in an atom.
  7. Alternating - A type of current that changes directions multiple times each second.
  8. Direct - A type of current that never changes directions.