
Task 1

Watch the linked video several times and write down your observations about the cars running into each other. As you watch the video and write down your observations, think about what you know about momentum:

  • The more mass an object has or the greater speed an object has, the greater the momentum.
  • The greater the momentum an object has, the more force needed to stop it.

Watch the video here: A Police Car Sliding Down An Icy Hill Created A Domino Effect Of Car Crashes.

Pretend you are writing a report for the police. Be as descriptive as you can about the types of cars and trucks involved. Post your report about this incident on the 6.06 Cars on an Icy Hill Discussion.

After posting your report, read what the other students have to say and comment on their reports. You may want to add to what the other students observe. You should comment on at least 2 classmates' posts.

When participating in an online discussion, you should use formal, standard English and obey all conventions of punctuation and spelling. Avoid abbreviations or symbols used in texting, messaging, or informal conversation.

Task 2

Go to the Quizzes area and complete the 6.06 Forces and Momentum Quiz.


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