
Task 1

Complete 6.02 Friction Lab using the PhET Friction Simulation. Submit your completed work to the 6.02 Friction Lab Dropbox.

Task 2

After completing the Friction Lab, reflect on the original hypothesis that you made before completing the simulation. In 4-6 complete sentences, compare and contrast your hypothesis to the observations you made after completing the lab. Also comment on how your understanding of friction has changed. For example, how did seeing the change in the thermometer or the movement of the particles in the simulation impact your understanding of friction?

Post your thoughts to the 6.02 Friction Discussion. Then, reply to at least two of your classmates' posts.

When participating in an online discussion, you should use formal, standard English and obey all conventions of punctuation and spelling. Avoid abbreviations or symbols used in texting, messaging, or informal conversation.


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