Reactions with Oxygen
The final general pattern we will examine for this lesson is how different elements react with oxygen gas (chemical formula: O2).
Oxygen is highly reactive and is therefore found in many different chemical compounds. This also means that most groups on the Periodic Table react in some way with oxygen.
Oxygen on the periodic table.
Reactions with Oxygen: Groups 1 - 2
Group 1 elements react rapidly with oxygen.
Group 2 elements react with oxygen but not as rapidly as Group 1.
Reactions with Oxygen: Nonmetals
Oxygen reacts with most nonmetals. Nonmetals are shown on the periodic table above in blue.
However, it does not react fluorine (F)) or with Group 18 (on the far right of the periodic table).
Examples: Oxygen Reactions
Some example of elements reacting with oxygen include:
- Iron reacting with oxygen produces rust.
- Carbon reacting with oxygen produces carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide gas.