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First Aid

  1. In a first aid situation call 911 if the person shows signs of
    1. blisters from burns
    2. difficulty breathing or choking
    3. minor sprain
    4. all of these

    Answer: b. difficulty breathing or choking

  2. Providing first aid can prevent the person's condition from worsening.
    1. True
    2. False

    Answer: a. True. First aid can prevent further harm or the condition from worsening.

  3. Which of these is not a reason to call 911 for medical assistance?
    1. fires
    2. unresponsive person
    3. spilled water that could cause a fall
    4. car accidents

    Answer: c. spilled water that could cause a fall. 911 is not needed unless the spilled water causes an accident.

  4. The first step to caring for a burn is to
    1. cool the burn.
    2. cover the burn.
    3. remove the source of heat.
    4. break blisters.

    Answer: c. remove the source of heat. This prevents further damage.

  5. In any accident situation always
    1. check the scene for safety to help
    2. check the person for breathing and pulse
    3. control bleeding if necessary
    4. all of these

    Answer: d. all of these

  6. First aid care is not necessary if 911 is called.
    1. True
    2. False

    Answer: b. False. Immediate first aid can help preserve life, prevent further harm, and promote recovery.

  7. A person who cannot speak or breathe and has both hands at their throat is indicating
    1. they have a sore throat
    2. they are choking
    3. they have a virus
    4. they ate too much

    Answer: b. they are choking.

  8. You should get permission from a conscious person to give them first aid care.
    1. True
    2. False

    Answer: a. True. It is important to ask permission to touch the injured person.

  9. Accidents can be prevented by
    1. acting responsibly
    2. following safety rules
    3. wearing protective equipment properly
    4. all of these

    Answer: d. all of these

  10. If a person is having a severe allergic reaction they may need your help
    1. killing the insects that caused it
    2. giving them something to drink
    3. administering an EpiPen
    4. transporting them yourself to the emergency room

    Answer: c. administering an EpiPen

  11. You can unblock a choking person's airway by
    1. giving abdominal thrusts.
    2. giving them something to drink
    3. performing CPR and rescue breathing.
    4. all of these

    Answer: a. giving abdominal thrusts.

  12. Which of the following burns would be most severe?
    1. sunburn
    2. 1st degree
    3. 2nd degree burns
    4. 3rd degree

    Answer: d. 3rd degree. 3rd degrees burns are most severe. Call 911 or seek medical care for 3rd degree burns.

  13. Some people are not willing to help in the event of an accident because
    1. they are not sure what to do
    2. they are afraid of possible infection
    3. they are afraid they could do more harm
    4. all of these

    Answer: d. all of these