Health information comes at us from all angles: websites, phone apps, television commercials, and the list goes on. Is it correct? Is it factual? Is it helpful or hurtful? Is someone simply trying to sell us something? These are questions we must ask ourselves as we seek information to promote and enhance our health.
Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to...
- Evaluate sources of health information, services, and products for credibility.
- Analyze valid resources available from home, school, and community that provide health information.
Essential Questions
- How can I ensure the validity of health information, products, or services?
- What resources are available for me to improve the quality of my health?
Enduring Understandings
- Knowledge of characteristics of credible sources of information enables me to locate reliable health information.
- I can access valid health resources from home, school, and community to promote my health.
The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: Health Education standards: 3.1, 3.2.