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Review Game

After completing the Learn section of the lesson, assess your understanding of the concepts by playing this game. You may use the notes you took while studying the slide show to help you with the questions.

  1. The primary function of special interest groups is to ____________.
    1. influence public policy
    2. nominate candidates for office
    3. both a and b
    4. none of the above

    Answer: Correct Answer a. influence public policy

  2. __________ groups work for the best interest of the general public in areas like education, human rights, consumer rights, and the environment. Examples include Greenpeace and the Humane Society.
    1. Business Interest
    2. Cause
    3. Public-Interest
    4. Professional Interest

    Answer: c. public interest

  3. Which of the following statements is NOT a true statement about cause groups?
    1. Cause groups may include churches and religious organizations.
    2. Cause groups may focus their attention on one issue.
    3. Cause groups focus on the causes of a recession. li>
    4. The Christian Coalition and MADD are examples of cause groups.

    Answer: Correct Answer c. Cause groups focus on the causes of a recession.

  4. The American Medical Association and the National Education Association are examples of ________ groups.
    1. Public-interest
    2. Business interest
    3. Cause
    4. Professional interest

    Answer: Correct Answer d. Professional interest

  5. All of the following are functions of special interest groups EXCEPT
    1. lobbying politicians
    2. nominating candidates
    3. endorsing candidates
    4. educating the public

    Answer: Correct Answer b. nominating candidates

  6. All of the following are true concerning lobbyist EXCEPT
    1. . Hired lobbyists personally contact politicians to sway their votE.
    2. They organize large numbers of voters to hold public rallies or demonstrations to express their opinions and apply public pressure to the politicians
    3. They organize grass roots campaigns like letter writing to pressure elected officials.
    4. They offer money to politicians in exchange for their votes.

    Answer: Correct Answer D. They offer money to politicians in exchange for their votes.

  7. Which of the following is a legal source for candidates to fund their campaigns?
    1. individual or political party donation
    2. public funding
    3. political action committee donation
    4. all of the above

    Answer: Correct Answer d. all of the above

  8. The _____________ does not actually conduct elections, but rather it has the responsibility of regulating campaign finance.
    1. Political Action Committee (PAC)
    2. Federal Election Commission (FEC)
    3. Public-Interest Group (PIG)
    4. 527 Group

    Answer: Correct Answer b. Federal Election Commission (FEC)

  9. __________ was an attempt in 2002 to reform campaign finance by limiting issue ads by interest groups and banning soft money for advertising.
    1. Federal Election Campaign Reform Act
    2. Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act
    3. McCain-Feingold Act
    4. both a and c

    Answer: Correct Answer d. both a and c

  10. Which court case upheld the idea of limits on campaign funding?
    1. Buckley v. Valeo
    2. Beaumont v. FEC
    3. Citizens United v. FEC
    4. McCutcheon v. FEC

    Answer: Correct Answer a. Buckley v. Valeo

  11. Which court case upheld the limits on “soft money” contributions imposed by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act?
    1. Buckley v. Valeo
    2. Beaumont v. FEC
    3. Citizens United v. FEC
    4. McConnell v. FEC

    Answer: Correct Answer d. McConnell v. FEC

  12. Which court case upheld limits on donations by political advocacy groups?
    1. Buckley v. Valeo
    2. Beaumont v. FEC
    3. Citizens United v. FEC
    4. McConnell v. FEC

    Answer: Correct Answer b. Beaumont v. FEC

  13. Which court case established that corporate speech is entitled to first amendment protection?
    1. Buckley v. Valeo
    2. Beaumont v. FEC
    3. Citizens United v. FEC
    4. McConnell v. FEC

    Answer: Correct Answer c. Citizens United v. FEC

  14. Groups organized to influence the selection, nomination, and election of individuals to public office are called ________.
    1. 527’s
    2. special interest groups
    3. political committees
    4. candidate forums

    Answer: Correct Answer a. 527’s

How did you do? If you scored below 80%, review the material and play this game again before moving on to the task.



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