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Practice the major concepts from the lesson.

  1. Refers to a postponement of punishment the President has the power to grant

    Answer: reprieve

  2. Refers to a release from an official punishment of a federal offense the President has the power to grant

    Answer: pardon

  3. A general pardon for a group of offenders

    Answer: amnesty

  4. The Power of the President to formally identify or recognize the legal existence of a new country as a sovereign state

    Answer: Diplomatic Recognition

  5. Agreements the President has the power to make with the leaders of foreign governments that do not require the approval of the Senate

    Answer: Executive Agreements

  6. A formal directive issued by the President to other officials in the executive branch on how to carry out their jobs that can be used to clarify an existing law and has the force of a law

    Answer: Executive Order

  7. A power that allows the President to refuse to appear before, or to withhold information from, the other two branches in order to keep information confidential in the interest of national security

    Answer: Executive Privilege

  8. Term referring to the position of the White House as a superb platform

    Answer: bully pulpit

  9. The President can call a ___________ at any time to present his or her agenda and influence public opinion.

    Answer: press conference

  10. A yearly report given by the President to Congress required by the Constitution

    Answer: State of the Union Address



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