
Read markers 1, 2, 3, 4 to learn more about the political cartoon.

  1. Notice the name on the man's hat. He must be a member of Congress.
  2. Notice the writing on the documents under his arms. He is hurrying home to give exlpanations and answers. Who is he hurrying to see?
  3. This cartoon highlights the never-ending dilemma faced by members of Congress-explaining votes on various issues to the diverse interests back home. A worried congressman hurries home with a satchel in his hand and an armload of papers. His papers provide information on "questions to be answered, explanations, main reasons why I did not vote, answers to why I voted for...."
  4. What building is this? Many might quickly assume the familiar building is the White House; however, this is the Capital Building where the legislative branch meets.


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