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Practice the major concepts from the lesson.

  1. Marriage and drivers licenses are valid from one state to the next under the:
    1. full faith and credit clause of Article Four
    2. enumerated power doctrine
    3. implied power doctrine
    4. the doctrine of reciprocity found in Article Five

    Answer: a. full faith and credit clause of Article Four

  2. Picket fence federalism describes a system that involved overloaded cooperation and regulations such as releasing national funds or grants to state and local governments to solve problems and achieve goals. This federalism is called:
    1. creative federalism
    2. new federalism
    3. cooperative federalism
    4. dual federalism

    Answer: a. creative federalism

  3. In a unitary government:
    1. power is concentrated in the central government
    2. power is found in the executive branch only
    3. power is dispersed to regional or state units
    4. power is equally dispersed between the central and local governments

    Answer: a. power is concentrated in the central government

  4. Who has responsibility for admitting new states into the union?
    1. Congress
    2. the Senate
    3. the President
    4. the House of Representatives

    Answer: a. Congress

  5. The Constitution requires that each State recognize the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State. This section of the Constitution is called the:
    1. Full Faith and Credit Clause
    2. Privileges and Immunities Clause
    3. Supremacy Clause
    4. Extradition Clause

    Answer: a. Full Faith and Credit Clause

  6. What form of government is guaranteed every State in the union by the Constitution?
    1. republican
    2. federal
    3. authoritarian
    4. unitary

    Answer: a. republican

  7. On your own federalism describes a system that involved its leaders seeking to return more authority to the state governments and ending the trend of expanding national government. This federalism is called:
    1. new federalism
    2. creative federalism
    3. dual federalism
    4. dual federalism

    Answer: a. new federalism

  8. The idea of reducing the authority and size of the federal government became known as “__________” during the new federalism stage.
    1. devolution revolution
    2. New Deal
    3. states' rights
    4. Great Society

    Answer: a. devolution revolution

  9. The national government was specifically granted the power to regulate interstate relations in Article ____ of the Constitution.
    1. IV
    2. VI
    3. I
    4. X

    Answer: a. IV

  10. The Constitution guarantees that the national government will protect every State in the union from:
    1. invasion
    2. disputes over water rights
    3. conflicts with other States
    4. disputes over commerce

    Answer: a. invasion

  11. The Constitution guarantees that the national government will protect every State in the union from:
    1. domestic violence
    2. disputes over commerce
    3. civil suits
    4. tariffs

    Answer: a. domestic violence

  12. The type of government with a weak national government and strong regional or state governments is known as a:
    1. confederation
    2. unitary government
    3. federation
    4. democracy

    Answer:a. confederation

  13. ________ is a system of government in which there is an allocation of powers between federal and state governments.
    1. federalism
    2. unitary
    3. confederal
    4. none of the above

    Answer: a. federalism

  14. Layer-cake federalism describes a system where powers and policy making are assigned to distinct parts of the government such as national, state, or local. This federalism is called:
    1. dual federalism
    2. creative federalism
    3. cooperative federalism
    4. new federalism

    Answer: a. dual federalism

  15. Marble-cake federalism describes a system that involved the national and state governments working collaboratively or together on major priorities like the crisis of the Great Depression. This federalism is called:
    1. cooperative federalism
    2. new federalism
    3. creative federalism
    4. dual federalism

    Answer: a. cooperative federalism

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