Polygons Part 2

Names of Polygons

You name a polygon by the number of sides it contains. Use the chart below.

# of sides Name
3 triangle
4 quadrilateral
5 pentagon
6 hexagon
7 heptagon
8 octagon
9 nonagon
10 decagon
11 hendecagon
12 dodecagon
n sides n-gon


Notice the last row has "n" sides. This is primarily used for polygons when the number of sides are greater than 12.

Replace the "n" with the number of sides.

For instance, a polygon with 13 sides would be called a 13-gon.

What would a polygon with 46 sides be called?

Answer: 46-gon

Your Turn

Identify the polygons by name.

A polygon with 5 sides

Answer: pentagon

A polygon with 10 sides

Answer: decagon

An arrow shape with 7 sides

Answer: heptagon

Answer: octagon

A 4 sided figure with slanted sides

Answer: quadrilateral

Equilateral and Equiangular

We can also identify a polygon as:

equilateral - all sides congruent

An 8 sided figure with all equal length sides

equiangular - all angles are congruent

A 5 sided figure with each vertice havig 108 degree angle

Regular Polygons

If a figure has all sides congruent and all angles congruent then it is called a regular polygon.

A quadrilateral with all 90 degree angles and all side lengths of 2

A square is a regular quadrilateral because all four sides are congruent and all four angles are right.

Classify Polygons

You can now:

  • Classify a polygon as convex or concave
  • Name the polygon by the number of sides
  • Identify if the polygon is equilateral, equiangular or both - thus regular or neither

Try This One

Classify this polygon:

A figure with 6 sides, but one of the angles is greater than 180 degrees

Concave or Convex

Answer: Concave





Answer: hexagon





Answer: neither

Classify Polygons

Look at the figure and see if you can decide who is correct in classifying the polygon.

A figure with 4 sides with 4 right angles. The top length is 4.2 and the right side length is 4.1

Chase said convex, regular, quadrilateral.

Anna said convex, equiangular, quadrilaterl.

Who is correct and why?

Answer: Anna; The sides are not congruent so it is not regular. Anna is correct.

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