Polygons Part 1


As we begin the lesson on polygons, we must first understand the vocabulary used with two-dimensional figures.

We will then study in depth the polygon with the least number of sides possible in order to understand the properties of polygons with more sides.


  • polygon
  • vertex
  • side
  • diagonal
  • convex
  • concave
  • n-gon
  • equilateral polygon
  • equiangular polygon

A polygon is a closed figure with a finite number of sides which are line segments.

A 4 sided figure. Trapazoid. A corner is labeled 'vertex'

A figure with 20 sides.

An angle formed by the intersection of two sides is called a vertex of the polygon.

A polygon has to meet the following three criteria:

  • a polygon must have at least three sides
  • all sides must be line segments
  • each side intersects exactly two other sides, one at each endpoint

Not Polygons

A rectangle with curved corners


A rectangle is twisted on top of itself into an hour glass shape

Parts of a Polygon

Here is an example of a polygon. Remember each endpoint is called a vertex. Plural for vertex is vertices. We would say this polygon had four vertices.

A tall trapazoid

You name a polygon by listing the vertices consecutively. It does not matter which endpoint you start with or if you go clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. We could name the polygon above as polygon ABCD or ADCB and still be correct.

Convex Polygons

Diagonals are helpful in determining if a polygon is convex or concave.

A diagonal connects various corners. Diagonals are lines that connect non adjacent sides

A polygon is considered convex if none of the diagonals of the polygon are outside of the figure.

Concave Polygons

A polygon is classified as concave if at least one diagonal is outside of the polygon. Notice how diagonal AB is outside of the polygon, thus concave.

Convex or Concave

OPTIONAL way to determine if a polygons are convex or concave:

To check, extend the lines containing each side. If any of the lines contain any point in the interior of the polygon, then it is concave. Otherwise it is convex.

A triangle

3 line cross to form a triangle

A rectangle sits inside a grid of yellow lines

Concave: See the purple areas inside the polygon?

Your Turn

Identify if the polygons are convex or concave.

A rectangle but a small square is missing from the corner

Answer: Concave

An octagon

Answer: Convex

A right triangle

Answer: Convex

A pentagon

Answer: Convex

A classical star

Answer: Concave

An arrow made from a triangle attached to the end of a rectangle

Answer: Concave

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