Unit 2 Vocabulary
French | English |
à | to / in / at |
amical | friendly |
animal domestique, un | (a) pet |
araignee,une | a spider |
banque, la | bank |
beau | beautiful |
bibliothèque, la | library |
blanc | white |
bleu | blue |
blond | blonde |
boulangerie, la | bread store |
brun | brunette |
brun | brown |
café, le | café |
cent | one hundred |
cent cinquante | one hundred fifty |
cent deux | one hundred two |
cent un | one hundred one |
centre, le | commercial mall |
cerf, un | a deer |
chat, un | a cat |
chat, le | cat / the cat |
chats, des | some cats |
chats, les | cats / the cats |
cher | expensive |
cheval, un | a horse |
chien, le | dog / the dog |
chien, un | a dog |
chiens, des | some dogs |
chiens, les | dogs / the dogs |
cinéma, le | movie theater |
cinq cents | five hundred |
cochon, un | a pig |
combien | how much / how many |
courageux | courageous |
deux cents | two hundred |
drôle | funny |
école, l' | school |
ecureuil, un | a squirrel |
église, l' | church |
elephant, un | (an) elephant |
faible | weak |
fleuriste, le | flower shop |
fort | strong |
français | French |
généreux | generous |
gentil | kind |
girafe, une | a giraffe |
grenouille, une | a frog |
gris | gray |
gros | fat |
gymnase, le | gym |
heureux | happy |
hôpital, l' | hospital |
hôtel, l' | hotel |
huit cents | eight hundred |
il y a | there is / there are |
impatient | impatient |
intelligent | smart |
intéressant | interesting |
jaune | yellow |
lac, le | lake |
laid | ugly |
lapin, un | a rabbit |
librarie, la | bookstore |
long | long |
magasin, le | department store |
marché, le | fruit and vegetable market |
méchant | mean |
mille | one thousand |
mince | thin |
mouton, un | a sheep |
musée, le | museum |
ne…jamais | never |
ne…pas | forms a negative sentence |
ne…plus | no longer |
ne…rein | nothing / anything (object is often dropped) |
neuf cents | nine hundred |
noir | black |
nouveau | new |
oiseau, l' (m.) | (the) bird |
orange | orange |
ours, l' | (the) bear |
papillon, le | (the) butterfly |
paresseux | lazy |
patient | patient |
patinoire, la | stationery store |
pâtisserie, la | bakery |
pharmacie, la | pharmacy |
piscine, la | swimming pool |
plage, la | beach |
poisson, le | (the) fish |
poste, la | post office |
poule, la | (the) chicken |
pourpre | purple |
quatre cents | four hundred |
quatre-vingt-cinq | eighty-five |
quatre-vingt-deux | eighty-two |
quatre-vingt-dix | ninety |
quatre-vingt-dix-huit | ninety-eight |
quatre-vingt-dix-neuf | ninety-nine |
quatre-vingt-dix-sept | ninety-seven |
quatre-vingt-douze | ninety-two |
quatre-vingt-huit | eighty-eight |
quatre-vingt-neuf | eighty-nine |
quatre-vingt-onze | ninety-one |
quatre-vingt-quatorze | ninety-four |
quatre-vingt-quatre | eighty-four |
quatre-vingt-quinze | ninety-five |
quatre-vingts | eighty |
quatre-vingt-seize | ninety-six |
quatre-vingt-sept | eighty-seven |
quatre-vingt-six | eighty-six |
quatre-vingt-treize | ninety-three |
quatre-vingt-trois | eighty-three |
quatre-vingt-un | eighty-one |
restaurant, le | restaurant |
rouge | red |
roux | red-haired |
sept cents | seven hundred |
sérieux | serious |
serpent, un | (a) serpent |
singe, le | (the) monkey |
six cents | six hundred |
soixante et onze | seventy-one |
soixante-dix | seventy |
soixante-dix-huit | seventy-eight |
soixante-dix-neuf | seventy-nine |
soixante-dix-sept | seventy-seven |
soixante-douze | seventy-two |
soixante-quatorze | seventy-four |
soixante-quinze | seventy-five |
soixante-seize | seventy-six |
soixante-treize | seventy-three |
souris, la | (the) mouse |
stade, le | stadium |
station d'essence, la | gas station |
supermarché, le | supermarket |
sympathique | nice |
timide | shy |
tortue, une | (a) turtle |
travailleur | hardworking |
triste | sad |
trois cents | three hundred |
vache, le | (the) cow |
vert | green |
vieux | old |
y a-t-il | is there / are there |
zoo, le | zoo |