
Bonjour! Hello! We would like to welcomeBienvenue you to French I. In this course you will learn to communicate and express yourself, in French, on many aspects of daily life such as

  • meeting people,
  • going out with friends,
  • ordering food,
  • choosing clothing,
  • exercising and staying fit, and
  • planning vacations to francophoneFrench-speaking countries.

In addition to language activities, you will discover France and other areas of the French-speaking world. Nations have become more interdependent, so it is important to understand other peoples and their cultures. French, an international language, and the French-speaking countries form a diverse and dynamic segment of the world community. Throughout this course, you will study the history, customs, and traditions of people who live not only in France but also in parts of Canada, Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa.

The varied activities in this course are both helpful and engaging. We hope you enjoy learning to speak French, studying the culture and customs of the French people, and exploring the world of francophone countries.

Bonne chance!Good luck! Commençons!Let's begin!


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