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What are the Major Activities Involved in Harvesting Trees?

Silviculture is practiced on the assumption that a forest environment can be manipulated to make it more favorable to the growth of trees than the natural environment.  However, the productivity of forests can be destroyed by poor planning or careless logging.  The cost in managing a logging operation is a major factor in the production of forest products.  Trees are heavy, hard and hard to handle.  Logging is one of the most dangerous occupations in the United States.  Therefore, the skills associated with logging require individuals skilled in operating chainsaws and logging equipment.

The harvesting of trees involve several activities:

  1. Cutting or felling trees
  2. Removing limbs or delimbing
  3. Cutting the trees into lengths or bucking
  4. Skidding logs to the loading deck to be loading on the truck
  5. Transportation to the mill

Read the material below for more information on the steps involved in harvesting trees.


What are the Various Types of Harvest Cuttings?

Clear cutting – This method involves the removal of every tree in the stand.  An example would be taking your arms and clearing everything off your desk.  Clear cutting is used for the purpose of baring the area prior to the establishment of an even-aged standfor example a pine plantation.  Clear cutting is applicable in stands where the trees are no longer needed for growth and value, for a source of seed, or for other silvicultural purposes.

Seed-tree cutting – This method is a form of clear cutting in which seed-bearing trees are left evenly dispersed to provide seeds for reproduction.  Seed-tree cutting is used with tree species that bear seed frequently and abundantly so that scattered seed trees will regenerate the area with desired tree species with a reasonable time.

Shelterwood cutting – This method is similar to the seed-tree method except that a greater number of trees are left after the initial cuts to provide shelter for the reproduction as well as a seed source for its establishment.  After the young trees become established, the trees that were left initially will be harvested.

Selection cutting – This method is a complex system of cutting used to create or maintain an uneven-aged standdifferent age and size trees.  Selecting the trees of harvest can be a difficult task for the average person and obtaining the services of an experienced forester is usually wise.  This method allows for fairly frequent income and maintains the forest stand aesthetic value or beauty.


Planning a Harvest

Now that you have learned about the various types of harvest cuttings, view the following resources on harvest planning.



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