Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Identify fire-fighting tools and methods

The above objectives correspond with the following Alabama Course of Study Objectives: ACOS 18.1Identifying fire-fighting tools and methods..


What is the best fire fighting tool you can think of?

Some might say a fire truck, fire swatter, water, or possibly even a helicopter dumping water. However, the best tool for fighting fire is prevention.

Fire control is frequently divided into two main headings; prevention and suppression. Fire prevention activities include those associated with keeping the fire from occurring while fire suppression includes those efforts involved in fighting the fire once it has started.

Discovery Education Streaming

View the Alabama Forestry Commission's video, A Forest in Balance.

In this lesson, we will answer three primary questions.

  1. What are some ways to prevent forest fires?
  2. What is suppression and what are some tools used for suppressing wildfires?
  3. What are some methods used for suppressing wildfires?


Watch Nature | Fire Cloud (4:42) to see some of the fire suppression methods you will learn about. Login information.


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