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Alabama's Forests Review

Part 1

Label the general physiographic regions of Alabama by identifying the proper physiographic region to the correct area on the state of Alabama map.

map of the physiographic regions of Alabama divided into five sections, with #1 at the northwest corner; #2 at the northeast corner of the state and a bit south; #3 below or to the south of #2, still on the eastern part of the state; #4 at the middle part of the state on the eastern side; and #5 from the entire southern part of the state to the middle part of the state and further north west of the mid-state.
Courtesy of Alabama Maps, Cartographic Research Laboratory at the Department of Geography, The University of Alabama. See larger version of the edited General Physiography map here.
  1. What is the #1 physiographic region (bright blue area at the top, northeastern section of the state map)?
    1. Highland Rim
    2. Coastal Plain
    3. Cumberland Plateau
    4. Valley and Ridge
    5. Piedmont Upland

    Answer: a. Highland Rim

  2. What is the #2 physiographic region (dark blue region in the northeast corner of the state and northern portion of the state map)?
    1. Highland Rim
    2. Coastal Plain
    3. Cumberland Plateau
    4. Valley and Ridge
    5. Piedmont Upland

    Answer: c. Cumberland Plateau

  3. What is the #3 physiographic region (light blue area on the mid-eastern to northeastern section of the state map)?
    1. Highland Rim
    2. Coastal Plain
    3. Cumberland Plateau
    4. Valley and Ridge
    5. Piedmont Upland

    Answer: d. Valley and Ridge

  4. What is the #4 physiographic region (the green area in the mid-eastern section of the state map)?
    1. Highland Rim
    2. Coastal Plain
    3. Cumberland Plateau
    4. Valley and Ridge
    5. Piedmont Upland

    Answer: e. Piedmont Upland

  5. What is the #5 physiographic region (the blue portion that covers most of the state, specifically from the mid-western part of the state down to the entire southern area of the state to the coast)?
    1. Highland Rim
    2. Coastal Plain
    3. Cumberland Plateau
    4. Valley and Ridge
    5. Piedmont Upland

    Answer: b. Coastal Plain

Part 2

Which of the 5 types of forest is each description depicting?

  1. I am very tolerant of cold temperatures, fire, and drought. I reside in the northernmost portion of the state. I am a hardwood. What type of forest am I?
    1. Long Leaf/Slash Pine Forest
    2. Oak/Gum/Cypress Forest
    3. Loblolly/Shortleaf Pine Forest
    4. Oak/Pine Forest
    5. Oak/Hickory Forest

    Answer: e. Oak/Hickory Forest

  2. I am a mixture of hardwoods and softwoods. I lie between the hardwoods of the north, and the softwoods of the south. What type of forest am I?
    1. Long Leaf/Slash Pine Forest
    2. Oak/Gum/Cypress Forest
    3. Loblolly/Shortleaf Pine Forest
    4. Oak/Pine Forest
    5. Oak/Hickory Forest

    Answer: d. Oak/Pine Forest

  3. I grow very quickly and consume most of the forestland in the state. I can withstand the heat of the climate, and the management tool of fire. What type of forest am I?
    1. Long Leaf/Slash Pine Forest
    2. Oak/Gum/Cypress Forest
    3. Loblolly/Shortleaf Pine Forest
    4. Oak/Pine Forest
    5. Oak/Hickory Forest

    Answer: c. Loblolly/Shortleaf Pine Forest

  4. I like the beach like soil, very sandy. I live close to the ocean, and like the heat. I can also live through droughts. What type of forest am I?
    1. Long Leaf/Slash Pine Forest
    2. Oak/Gum/Cypress Forest
    3. Loblolly/Shortleaf Pine Forest
    4. Oak/Pine Forest
    5. Oak/Hickory Forest

    Answer: a. Long Leaf/Slash Pine Forest

  5. I live in areas where there is a lot of water. I can live in areas where the soil does not drain very well. I am not as heat tolerant as the pines. What type of forest am I?
    1. Long Leaf/Slash Pine Forest
    2. Oak/Gum/Cypress Forest
    3. Loblolly/Shortleaf Pine Forest
    4. Oak/Pine Forest
    5. Oak/Hickory Forest

    Answer: b. Oak/Gum/Cypress Forest