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Hardwood or Softwood Practice Activity

Let's see how much you have learned.

  1. Which class of trees has broad leaves?
    1. hardwoods
    2. softwoods

    Answer: a. hardwoods

  2. Which class of trees has needle-like leaves?
    1. hardwoods
    2. softwoods

    Answer: b. softwoods

  3. True or false: The degree of hardness is an important consideration in whether or not a tree is classified as a hardwood or softwood.
    1. true
    2. false

    Answer: false

  4. Which class of trees have vessels or pores?
    1. hardwoods
    2. softwoods

    Answer: a. hardwoods

  5. Which class of trees have resin ducts?
    1. hardwoods
    2. softwoods

    Answer: b. softwoods

  6. Which class of trees use fibers to transfer sap?
    1. hardwoods
    2. softwoods

    Answer: b. softwoods

  7. Which class of trees use pores to transfer sap?
    1. hardwoods
    2. softwoods

    Answer: a. hardwoods

  8. Which of these trees is a hardwood?
    1. Hickory
    2. Slash pine
    3. Loblolly pine

    Answer: a. Hickory

  9. Which of these trees is a hardwood?
    1. Willow oak
    2. Longleaf Pine
    3. Shortleaf Pine

    Answer: a. Willow oak

  10. Which of these trees is a softwood?
    1. Shortleaf Pine
    2. Red Maple
    3. Yellow Poplar

    Answer: a. Shortleaf Pine

  11. Which of these trees is a softwood?
    1. Southern Red oak
    2. Willow Oak
    3. Longleaf Pine

    Answer: c. Longleaf Pine

If you missed more than one or two, review the questions again.