
Have you ever stubbed your toe or gotten a paper cut and it hurt for a whole day? More than likely you totally forgot about the injury the next day. Maybe you were able to put a bandage on the injury or take some other steps that allowed you to move on through your day. But what if you would have been able to prevent the injury all together; what would you do differently next time?

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration has determined various Personal Protective Equipment, known as PPE, that must be worn in the forestry industry. Using equipment properly and wearing your PPE is critical to avoid life alternating injuries. People become injured on the job when safety culture and procedures are not followed. Below you will see an image that indicates injury related to chain saw safety. You will notice that injuries that could have been prevented by operator error in the way equipment was operated or failure to wear PPE.

Accident location and frequency as related to chain saw use (1994): head injuries 3,418; upper body area 2,141; arm and hand area 17,994; leg area 16,348; foot area 2,885
Image courtesy of the U.S. Product Safety Commission

Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to...

  • Identify the ways and equipment used by the forestry industry to protect workers.

Essential Questions

  • What are some of the hazards faced by individuals working in forestry?
  • What types of safety equipment do foresters use?
  • What are the personal protective equipment (PPEs) utilized in the forestry industry?
  • How can hazards be avoided by forest industry workers?

Enduring Understandings

  • Each job, career and profession has a set of preparation requirements, career exploration experiences and different opportunities for personal and professional growth and satisfaction.
  • Personal actions today and tomorrow may have an effect on future employment.
  • Taking proper precautions to minimize risk will protect individuals, as well as those around them in the forestry industry.
  • Proper forest management is vital in creating a balance that not only protects forests and related habitats, but also allows for the use of renewable natural resources.

The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: Career Tech: Forestry standard: 1 and Foundational Standard 1.